onsdag 11 augusti 2010

He's returning...

George is finally returning to normal (though a little thinner)! We went for a last check-up today and his CRP was down to 70 which was a relief. He doesn't have a fever and is more or less his cheeky little self, apart from a little more tired and a little skinnier... He's also regained his appetite! Or, he's never been much of an eater, but he eats, which is good... Still no välling, I think it's bye bye välling time, but he's drinking milk instead and that's fine.

So even though today was the last check-up, they want us to go in tomorrow for a kidney x-ray(!). His urine tests haven't given any clear answers apparently, and since he's responded well to the antibiotics he's been given since Sunday evening, they can't take a new one, but most likely it was a urine infection, or a kidney infection, so the antibiotics we've got now is for kidney infection, and that's also the reason for the x-ray tomorrow... Phew, hard work this, but very relieved that the doctor's are soooo good! Now you all know.

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