onsdag 29 februari 2012

Love these two!

fredag 24 februari 2012

George, lego master

He's a neverending source of new constructions.


I love how much G and BF enjoy each other's company, despote the age gap. This is how we spend half an hour or so, every day after dagis.

This is the image...

Which sums up Billy Finn as a baby. Sweetie.

tisdag 21 februari 2012

Semla dags!

Dagens andra semla (för mamma, men den första var stor, den här liten. Man kan ju inte svulla hur som helst...). Mums!

He's baaack

Just in time for farmor and Jo Jo's departure, little blobby is back to normal. Cute, silly and cuddly. Typical, but nice to get rid of the whining...

måndag 20 februari 2012

This is the face

of the little man who just delivered a juicy poo. Doesn't look very bothered. Thanks.

söndag 19 februari 2012

On the swings

We walked through the slush to the swings. Billy Finn had his first ever go and he loved it! G showed off that he can stand up and make speed on his own!

English and Swedish snowman

Do I have to tell you which is which? Let's just say there is quite a bit of difference when it comes to technical skills.

ROA Show

On Friday it was finally time for the show we've been preparing for the last five weeks. Final touches by Peter at the entrance. It was a HUGE success! Up to 400 people turned up and everyone was really impressed. A proud Scarlett Gallery moment!

Stressful to open the smaller installation on Saturday, resulting in the opening being 1,5 hrs late... Either way, the smaller pieces sold out within the first hour, and some of the bigger ones a little later. Fingers crossed we'll make our money back anyway.

More pics to come.

torsdag 16 februari 2012

Copy cat

Packaging on left designed by yours truly. Hit the shelves in the autumn. Packaging on right... Ehrm, quite similar. Embarassing Axa.

And then there is George

He's not ill, just silly. Farmor and auntie Jo Jo brought the props.

Poor Billy

Billy Finn has been really poorly for the last couple of days. Fever and a runny nose. And just as he was getting better, I leave my curling irons (locktång) within reach and billy puts his fingers on it... So now he's got his left hand in a parcel poor little fella.

torsdag 9 februari 2012

New tattoo

Like a true sailor.

tisdag 7 februari 2012


Today, Matt came home with a massive jar filled with marbles (glaskulor) for George. He'd found them at the dump whilst collecting stuff for the art installation next week. We told George he'd have to wash them before playing with them. After dinner:

"Daddy, can you wash my balls?"

Learning new words can be tricky sometimes...

fredag 3 februari 2012

Billy boo

He's been in a very good mood for most of today. Nice for a change... Little Mr attitude has started waking up at half past five in the mornings... And Matt's ill so I have to get up... Great. The Babybjörn and heaps of food is the cure for a whiney baby. Takes a toll on my back and mood though... Think it was the same with George, but have probably pushed it to the back of my mind..

torsdag 2 februari 2012

Bambi close-up

Last Friday, we had quite a few visits from deer. This was one of them. So close. They are completely not bothered about us. George and myself went outside and started shouting though, don't want them eating all my flowers in the spring! They only moved a few metres...

Dino Toast

George was very happy the other morning when daddy served up Dino and Bunny toast! He was also proudly sporting his medal from dagis, which he got for being a good table host (dukvärd!).