lördag 26 september 2009


We've just come back from dinner at a French bistro around the corner here in town, Paname. Very nice! Matt bought this 'Eat Sweden' book at the beginning of the year which gives you one free main course, at certain restaurants. And since we haven't used a single one this year we thought it was about time!

George was a little star, välling in his right hand, watching Bob the builder on Matt's Iphone at the same time...

Today we also put him in his little leather jacket for the first time. Check out the dude! Thank you very much mormor for buying it, turning him into such a little fashionista!

torsdag 24 september 2009

Check out our kid!

He's pedalling!!!! If that's not being clever I don't know what is!!!

Jumping George!

We had a lovely visit from farmor and auntie Jo-Jo last weekend! Pics and more to come, but in the meantime, here's Jumping George (his new favourite thing to do! He's getting good at it too, keeping his feet together)!

söndag 13 september 2009

Weekly catch up

Thought I'd briefly also tell a little about the last week and what's going on in general.

George has had a new dagis (nursery) space out in Nacka, where we're moving too! Great news but he's supposed to start on Oct 12 and we won't be moving in to the house until end of October (and that's pushing it too..). Will have to take him out there in the car or something, but we're really pleased about the space, since it is normally really difficult to get in at a good dagis in such a short notice (applied in July). Asked when another space would be available at any of our other choices, if we turned this one down. May 2010 they said... So there was no other option really. Next Tuesday we're going to have a look at the chosen one, fingers crossed it is as good as it's reputation says...

George has been a whiney boy for a few days. But only in front of mummy and daddy! I suppose you get the best, and the worse of your child he he. But it seems to have lifted today thank god, cause it does get quite annoying when 'he's been a star' all day at dagis and starts to moan and fake cry as soon as he gets home...

Have also decided that he's not to have välling (formula) in bed any more! He only has it in the morning, so that me and tired daddy will get another ten minutes to wake up, but since it's been getting darker in the mornings, he's got no idea about the time and has been waking at four a couple of nights, thinking it's morning, asking for his välling... So then we thought it would be better for him to have it on the sofa, so he knows to connect it to waking time instead... We'll see how it goes, it hasn't been a real problem before since he's been waking after six after a whole night's sleep, but it only takes a couple of nights of having to get up at four to make you want to try something new! Funny how waking five or more times a night as one did in the beginning seems like an impossible task if it would be the reality now!

He's also such a talker! All the time! The other day, he said to me, as I was leaving for work 'Ses sen mamma' (See you later mummy!) Must have heard me say it haha! He knows sooo many words, surprises me every day! Reading books now is a treat, he points and lets you know everything he sees. He even knows colours! Always starts by saying something is red haha, but can then normally say the correct colour!

Most of the time he puts three words together, or four. And he's even said five a few times! Not that anything he says comes out with perfect pronounciation, and some things is pure 'George language', but most of the times anyone would understand what he's saying!

Falkenberg cousins!

Last weekend, me and mum (mormor) went down to visit uncle Per and his family. George got to see his little cousins for the first time! Apart from it pissing down with rain most of the time, we had a great time! The kids found each other immediately, and George was of course over the moon with all the new toys, especially all the cars and trucks!

Falkenberg is a very picturesque little town, would love to see it in the middle of summer! Adrian, Leon, George and Simone had a lot of fun at the play train we found in the middle of town, set in the most gorgeous park.

George was brill on the way home too! Slept for the first two hours, and then kept myself and mum amused by talking all the way home...

onsdag 2 september 2009

Stuffing his face

Matt's got the new Iphone and shot this little video this afternoon. Good apetite lad!