måndag 25 maj 2009

George 'The Ghost' Squire

Such a funny little fella! At least he thinks so!


George has got a new favourite. Youtube! And especially 'Roary the Racing Car'. When it comes on he grabs my hand to help him stand up (!) and then he starts dancing! Hilarious! In this video he sort of stops half way through, but still funny!

Busy man...

Busy life. Halfway through a move he fell asleep...

Long lazy weekend

We've had a looong lazy weekend here in Sweden! Thursday through to Sunday off! Very nice indeed! Thursday was spent watching daddy Matt loose his football match, but it wasn't his fault, made some great tv-type-saves, very cool! George spent most of his time getting upset with Olivia who wanted to snatch every toy, biscuit or water bottle in sight! Must be Dagis behaviour - mine, mine, mine haha! Finally he went and sat a bit further away on the grass, munching away on his apple...

tisdag 19 maj 2009

Tickle tickle

Since George was a little sad after farmor and granddad Chris had left, I had to give him a tickle attack!

Headline news! Gorgeous George bitten at Dagis!

Look at poor little Mr G! He was bitten on the cheek yesterday by little nasty Malte! Malte's devastated dad phoned me today and was very apologetic bless him. Things like this happen, I know, but it was a bit of a shock to see George's cheek, must admit, and I'm hoping dagis will monitor Malte closely now so it doesn't happen again!


On Sunday we went to Skansen! Sun was shining again (sorry, just want to rub it in our English friends faces since it's been raining there all weekend) George was very impressed with all the vehicles he could sit on, but wasn't too impressed when we put a coin in the motorcycle one and it started to rattle haha! He became very happy when bumping into mormor and bestefar there too, bestefar Arnfinn wanting to be at Skansen to celebrate Norway's national holiday, together with the rest of Norway's Swedish inhabitants (Matt said 'Oh my god, there are lots of Norwegians in this country' haha!)

Think his happiest moment was sitting on the pig statue though... He spent ages there, putting little piles of gravel (yes, he does have a thing about gravel piles at moment) on the back of the pig, on the snout of the pig and on the fence around the pig...

Almost forgot. Check out his new outfit! Smart shorts hey!

Weekend with Farmor and Grandpa Chris

We had a lovely weekend with glorious weather! Poor George was given spinach soup with cream in by dagis on Thursday so his tummy was revolting over and over on Friday, but he was still a happy chappy who loved having farmor and grandpa Chris visiting!

Friday was spent meandering around town, playing in Humlegården and enjoying a lovely curry by Matt in the evening.

Saturday we went out to the land in Nacka and then walked down by the water, finishing off with some yummy cakes and coffee at Boo Trädgård!

Back into town and walked over to Mosebacke for a beer. Nice! George was making neat little gravel piles on the bench... And then over to Nytorget so Matt and Chris could take a gander at all the Vespas gathered on show. A brilliant playground that G'man enjoyed very much and a couple of nice pizzas which we shared in the park. Oh, and lovely Matt bought me a dress from Tjallamalla 'cause he hasn't been treating me like a man should treat his lady for a long time... haha! love you!

Dinner at Cloud Nine, Baguz owner's new place. I was walking around the block about ten times to get George to go to sleep... He was hilarious and wouldn't stop talking for a minute! But I wanted to go inside for a drink haha... Finally fell asleep and slept throughout our dinner, thank god! Dinner was G o r g e o u s ! And thank you very much to Chris for picking up the bill!

onsdag 13 maj 2009

Funny bunny

George has really entered a hilarious phase! He makes us laugh constantly and he knows it! He's started to put two words together and sometimes even three (mostly mamma är där - mummy is there). For a while now, everytime he's done a number one or two in the nappy, he says 'Bajs!' (Poo!). Yesterday I tried to teach him to say kiss (wee) instead, when there's not poo in the nappy, and he answered cash! hahaha! So now we have either cash or poo haha!

Sleepy boys

Ok, so it's six o'clock in the morning, I've been up for 45 mins... George sleeping late was obviously only yesterday... Argh. Ah well, might happen again tomorrow, but the normal ususal wake-up call comes around six, five is truly a killer! He's well cute though, we cuddled on the sofa for ages and now he's sat applying my make-up to the carpet. Oops!

Found this picture from last week when little chimp decided to wake up at 5.30 (think this morning is the earliest so far actually...). I got up with him but woke Matt up at 6.30 to take the next shift so I could go back to bed for a quick nap before work. And when I got up at half seven they were both asleep on sofa. Aahh.

That's the only good thing about him waking up this early. He has another nap before dagis. So the rest of the day is as usual at least!

tisdag 12 maj 2009


As you know little Mr G has had some belly issues lately, meaning he's even had to stay home from dagis some days... So we decided to cut out all milk products starting last Saturday, and not sure if it is imagination, but think there is a difference!

This morning he slept until 6.45, heaven! It's been a while since he did that, without interruption. Might not have anything to do with a calm stomach, but maybe?

söndag 3 maj 2009

And we're off!

This is what our land looks like now! 18 trees have been taken down and Mr Ground Force has parked his big digger and is starting tomorrow! Yey!

ps. our house will be to the left, can't see it in this pic, but it is now so open!

Matey Sean

Went to see friends Sara and Rory and little Sean the other weekend. Look how cute he is! His first birthday coming up next weekend!