tisdag 27 november 2012

Swimely swim

Matt went in the water with Mr G last week. A lot of progress, great to see. Shame it's only one session left, we'll have to keep practising... Or go to Thailand and practice every day!

måndag 26 november 2012

Autumn pretty

Or winter perhaps? Home with Billy today so took the opportunity to re plant the pots outside. Looks nice I think.

torsdag 22 november 2012

Xbox time

So, time has come for Matt and George to start to play xbox together. Have realised its true comedy value, so don't mind watching them for a bit, Billy too.

George insists on being Indiana Jones, whilst Matt has to be the assistant. The other day, I posted on Facebook when George aka Indy, was doing donuts with his motorbike, completely oblivious to his assistant's struggle trying to keep the bad guys at bay...

Today's session involved some swimming... Can't spot Indiana on the screen? That's because he's busy showing off his underwater tricks, leaving his assistant fighting in the foreground!

söndag 18 november 2012

New winter coat

George sporting his new winter coat!

lördag 10 november 2012

Scaaaary party!

George wanted a Halloween birthday party so we dutifully obliged. Vampire George, knight Billy, monsters and Darth Vaders had a fun filled couple of hours!

An hours rest and then came family and friends to celebrate further! A very exhausted little big boy went to bed that night.

Our little 5-year old!

Feels like yesterday when the beautiful little cone head came to us but it has alteady been five years!

Chocolate muffins was on thebreakfast menu, along with a pile of presents! Thank you everyone!

Creative work space

Inspiration comes easy when surrounded by this.

fredag 9 november 2012

Friday night

Friday night, ice cream and the poo game! Love it!

lördag 3 november 2012

England good times

It was lovely to see George, feels incomplete when he's not around. Billy was also very excited to see him and ee enjoyed a lovely lunch in the sunshine on the new porch!

Me and Matt went down to London for a couple of meetings and had a burger to die for at Meat Liqour. Spent the evening drinking and catching up with Owen, Jels and Matt Smith. A very good evening indeed.

Sisters came to Ampthill on the Saturday, as well as farfar Andie and the Gutteridge family. Little William showed off some circus moves! A great curry in the evening.

Back to Sweden on Sunday afternoon, exhausted but happy.

Found these...

From Matt's birthday surprise afternoon tea at Häringe Slott. It was beautiful and yummy.

When George was away

Haven't updated for ages so will try to fill you in...

When big brother left for England, the little one enjoyed some sunshine at cafe Nero.