söndag 31 oktober 2010

Saturday in Nyckelviken

To get a bit of fresh air, we went to Nyckelviken on Saturday and brought hot dogs, which we barbecued on the grill which is always lit on the weekend. It was cold, but lovely and George loved watching the animals and rode around on his balance bike like a proper little road racer!

Myself and Matt were very impressed by all the vegetables which were still growing! Amongst them, the pictured purple turnips!

At Jom-Jom's for dinner

Went to Jonas, Annika, John-John and little Jasper's gorgeous house on Friday for a lovely bit of food and company. George, John-John and Olle had a great time, and was as loud as would be expected of three 3-4 year-old boys...

George 3 years old!

Monday 25 October, George Melton Leach Squire. Age 3. Ohmigod... time flies...

Spoilt for presents by now, having had lots of nice pressies in England on Saturday, a pile more on Sunday, and an additional few on Monday morning since me and Matt wanted to celebrate him on his real birthday. Think this is asking for a spoilt kid...

He loved his doctor's kit, wanted to dress in his bathrobe straight away, and got a little upset when he understood he couldn't wear his new gorgeous shoes from daddy to dagis... No surprise he got the most excited over the radio controlled monster truck from farfar Andie, and played with that up until it was time to leave for dagis.

George was fairly tired in the evening, sleeping on the sofa before seven o'clock, but everything caught up with him further on Tuesday, when he fell asleep at a quarter past five (!!!) in the afternoon, and on Wednesday, at six o'clock! Little monkey!

George's 3rd Birthday party!

Last Sunday, what a wonderful manic day! Literally all of the 25(!) guests, big and small, arrived at the same time! Appreciated since we did have some sort of a plan of action, but oh my, how hectic!

George loved the attention of course, and had lots of wonderful presents which he's been playing with, and taking to bed, ever since. Thank you to everyone!

We started with pizza and drinks, followed by a very nice birthday cake (and singing) and cookies and chocolate balls and muffins... For the record, I'd like to add that it was me, mummy Helena, who made all the food apart from the cookies! Yessirey! But only cause daddy Matt was in England up until late Saturday evening. But still..

Anyway, after the cake, we had a treasure hunt, which seemed very appreciated by all the kids. Under the table, behind the tv, in a boot, under the rabbit lamp... And finally, sweeties in a suitcase under the bed!!

George's play-do kit from dagis friend Alfred was a big hit amongst all the children, and kept them busy for a long time, leaving play-do on the carpet and on the sofa...

A tired but very happy little boy chilled on the sofa before bedtime. A lovely day.

torsdag 21 oktober 2010

George adventure update

George is on an adventure with daddy Matt. In England. Visiting farmor. He was behaving brilliantly all the way from home to the long wait at Skavsta, to the plane, to farmor's house... and then slept until seven in the morning.

And this morning, farmor told me that "a giant poo has just fallen on the dinosaurs head". And "ow the other one has his tail in the poo". So he seems to be amusing himself!

Daddy Matt went to London and have purchased himself a pair of glasses! He sent me a picture, but he looked like a criminal, with glasses, so won't post it here. They look very cool though, just like my man.

Oh, and even though I miss my boys loads already, I was very happy to speak to my little man last night, as they had landed in England, and when I told him "Jag älskar dig / I love you", he said "Jag älskar dig jättemycket / I love you very much". Aaah...

måndag 18 oktober 2010

A beautiful Sunday

There is something very special about a beautiful autumn day. The crisp air, the amazing shifting colours in the trees, the sun's beams still warming your face.

We walked down to the very pretty Boo trädgård, stopping for a hot dog for G at the Boo Football grounds, which had a tournament going. Kids everywhere, parents everywhere, a great atmosphere. If you are allowed to make a wish about your child's future, we said we'd really like him to get into football, since it's such a team sport, and a social thing for parents too.

Jelena, Bojan, Matei and Adrian were at Boo trädgård, having looked at some land nearby. George thought it was brilliant seeing the boys two days in a row! We found a lovely spot in the sun and enjoyed some yummy carrot cake, coffee, and George slurped down his hot chocolate in less than a minute... A great play area with lots of cars and trains (hallelujah!) proved a great baby sitter and also gave farmor Christine a break...

Back at the house, Matt continued with the tiles in the downstairs toilet, looking very good indeed! I went to pick up a lead to finish G's globe lamp, also looking very good indeed! Mum came round and we had a very deliscious, but late, steak and mushroom pie which Matty prepared. George was overtired by bedtime, but didn't stop asking farmor to 'play with me'... We were all knackered by nine o'clock, finding the sofa very comforting indeed!

A lot of adjectives in this text, but it has been one of those great Sundays!

söndag 17 oktober 2010

Farfalle at Kulturhuset

Yesterday, I took George to see a performance at Kulturhuset. It was called Farfalle, which is Italian for butterfly. There were two dancers who performed on a seemingly interactive floor, with walls and ceiling covered in projections. The story was of the butterfly life cycle and children were invited to step onto the 'stage' and take part in the show. Unfortunately, George wasn't asked up, even though he was jumping in his seat haha...

It was such a lovely lovely experience, right from the start even, when they asked all the children to walk into the stage area on a long line, without the parents! I just watched George walking away, looking really excited, and then sit down along with the rest of the children on the front row. When the parents were allowed in, I sat down just behind him, and during the performance, he kept turning around, checking to make sure I saw all the brilliant things happening too!

All the children, and the adults, were mesmerised by the dancers and the projections. A shame it was only on for one day, I wish more people would have been able to see it!

Afterwards, we met up with Jelena, Bojan and Adrian and Matei, and went to Rum för Barn (Room for children) at the top of Kulturhuset! George and Adrian went nuts and ran around like maniacs which was very funny but also a little scary, cause there were lots of people about, and escalators... Inside Rum för Barn, they were playing with the pillows in different shapes, making boats and logs and all sorts to slide down a little slope on...

Walked back to Söder in the sunny afternoon, the colours are amazing this time of year! George was really tired when we got back in time for dinner, so just a quick bite for him and then it was time for bed!

I struggled to sort out the underfloor heating whilst Matt went and picked up farmor Christine!

Pizza time!

We try to make the start of the weekend a little special by making food we all like, and food that George can help prepare. It's such a lovely feeling when Friday night arrives, knowing we'll all be together to eat and relax, something that isn't always possible in the week.

This Friday was Pizza Friday! George rolled his own, and chose his toppings! We were sat for a long time at the table, just eating and chatting away. And then we had a quick chat to farfar Andie on Skype, before watching Iron Man II on dvd... Or well, Matt watched it, I fell asleep... A lovely lovely evening!

Bath time!

A pair of goggles make bath time more fun! And a sort of wide brimmed hat with a hole in it for the hair to stick out in the top, is brilliant for getting George to wash his hair without getting water in his eyes! I had one when I was little too!

onsdag 13 oktober 2010

Daddy Matt's a champion!

Right, so these pics are stolen from lovely Stella's blog, cause her mum is always so good at bringing the camera...

George and Stella cheered on their daddies from the sideline at the last game of the season. 'Good shot daddy!' shouted George. And 'Good save daddy!'. Ha ha.

End of the game meant Tudor Arms won their group! George ran across the field to congratulate his dad and was carried whilst Matt thanked all the other players. Very sweet!

A very nice Sunday afternoon indeed!