fredag 28 maj 2010

Potty training progress

Just to let you all know that George is doing very well indeed with his potty training! I've come up with the cunning plan of letting his cat and rabbit sit on the potty or toilet before him and then he can't wait to have a go! Am I a clever mummy or what! So now we do both big and small in both the potty and the toilet! The trickiest one is the morning visit, since he barely has his eyes open before he wants to have välling, so a potty stop is almost impossible, but with a little help from Mr Cat, he did a big wee-wee whilst I went to fetch the välling, so fingers crossed he wants to keep it up! Still nappies at dagis and nighttime, but we'll keep practising! He is nowhere near dry, but one step at a time, and most mornings the nappy is empty so slowly slowly...

Will update with pics from Berlin and other things shortly!

And tonight, cousin Dylan with mummy Amy and daddy Simon arrives! George is very excited and has promised to let Dylan play with all his toys!

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