Arriving at the hostel (my bag strap had by then snapped off, so tick first incident) I asked Matt to get the camera out of the bag and when he opens it up, we quickly realise that this isn't Matt's bag at all! Some random, boring clothes is what's in there... With a little help from the very nice guy behind reception, we managed to track down the missing bag, and the owner of the bag we had in our possession. Off we went, back to the airport, to pick Matt's bag up, and drop off the wrong bag with the right owner.
2.5 hours later, we sat down at Ana Blume's café and had just finished our deliscious breakfast when the kids arrived! It's quite a bizarre feeling meeting up with family on a different location, really nice!
We spent the day walking around and drinking in one of my old local bars 'Wohnzimmer'. Mexican food at Frida Kahlo in the evening. A very nice first day in Berlin, even though the start was a bit silly!

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