They told us they would put a numbing cream (Emlasalva) on him and then wait about one hour before injecting him with some sort of medicine which would make it easier for them to see his kidneys in the x-ray. Well, they told me it wouldn't really make any difference wether or not they put on the Emla cream... Erhh, how? But as a trusting parent, I said, ok then, let's try without it...
He screamed his head off and was absolutely terrified! It was a horrible experience! And then afterwards, they said, maybe we should try the Emla cream first instead! What donkeys! We had another go, but they tried to inject through the top of his hand, and anyone who's had an injection there, knows how much it hurts due to the skin being so thin and close to the bones...
So we went home, and had to come back this Thursday just gone! In preparation, they had given me some Emla cream to put on at home, and some very stylish bandages as you can see in the pics! It was all fine and dandy and George promised he would be a good and brave little boy.
And then we went into the nurse's room. He started yelling before he was even put on the bed... He obviously recognised the situation (and the nurses!) and got terrified! Somehow, even though George was screaming and wriggling, they managed to inject him with the medicine. Poor little sod! He was still crying loads and sniffling when we went out to Matt who waited outside. It was nice that he was there and could 'take over', cause I was also a complete wreck - seeing your child like that does that to you...
Amazingly, George was back to normal within five minutes, so that felt great! Matt went to work and me and G went to see my work mate Vanessa and her little Henning for a coffee, before returning to the hospital for the x-ray. The x-ray went fine, and next week we'll find out the result. I hope George will never have to go through such an ordeal again, even though it's for a good cause...

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