George now knows 16 letters of the alphabet! Or, recognises their shape anyway! Not only by colour, cause he picks them out upside down and back to front aswell! We have:
A - Apple
B - Beste (Granddad in Norwegian = Arnfinn)
C - Cheese
D - Daddy
E - Egg
F - Farmor
G - George
H - House
I -
J - Jo-Jo
K - Kex (Swedish for cracker)
L -
M - Mummy (Too bad for mormor this letter's taken!)
N -
O - Ost (Swedish for cheese)
P -
Q -
R - Rory (...the racing car)
S - Socks (He also says strumpa, which is Swedish for Socks)
T - Tiger
U -
V -
X -
Y - Yoghurt
Z -
Will try to make Laura the L, but letters are small case so difficult to distinguish between j, i, l... Such a little cleverclogs our Mr G! And yes, we're allowed to brag cause he's our little boy and all parents think THEIR child is the best in the world mooahahaha!
Right I'm changing my name to Tiger.