In the afternoon we went to go sledging in Hagaparken, one of Stockholms biggest parks. Big mistake. George woke up just as we got out of the car and started crying five minutes later. He cried as we were walking towards the sledge slope, he cried when I carried him, when Matt carried him. Stopped crying when we went for hot chocolate and a kanelbulle, but started as soon as we got out again. Let's just say we didn't go sledging... No Winter Wonderland outing for this little family!
Lesson learnt: Do not start the afternoon by going out into -10 degrees, let G'man wake up and get excited about the prospect first. And make sure to bring the push chair if you have to walk for longer than a couple of minutes, G'man is getting heavier and your back feels broken after a hundred metres.
All in all, the poor little sod was frozen and didn't want to play . Next time we'll go to Nyckelviken which is just around the corner and the sledge slope is one minute walk away!
Oh, and when we got back home he was himself in minutes... With his new bowl haircut (pottfrissa) and all... Update: Have sorted the bowl cut a little, couldn't have him looking like Jim Carrey from "Dumb, Dumber"...

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