Today me, G and Vanessa went via the house (daddy Matt got off there to work on his Vespa) out to Mia's, my old work mate, who lives in Gustavsberg. Twice a year, the ceramic artists there, open up their studios to the public, and today was one of those days! It was great fun to see such nice creations, and the spaces were very inspiring! Bought a clever looking little candle holder, in the shape of a fuse (såg ut som en gammaldags propp! Hur cool som helst!)... Vanessa bought some bowls, so did Mia, and George was busy running up and down the corridors...
Mia had an old playhouse in the garden which she has now given to George to have in our garden! Great stuff! Really nice and George loved it! And good for small relatives to stay in too, haha! Will pick it up as soon as soon as our house is ready!

Åh vad roligt med en lekstuga! Maja älskar också lekstugor och jag tror vi måste skaffa en när vi flyttar sen också. Allt bra hoppas jag. Kram kram