måndag 3 augusti 2009

Doodle in the potty!

We haven't nagged him to do it, and since he's not very regular with his number two's, we haven't actually tried to introduce it much, but it's been out and about for the last couple of weeks - the potty that is. And he knows what it is for, he likes to sit down on it, fully clothed and pretend he's going to the toilet...

And so this evening, whilst having his dinner, he all of a sudden says 'bajsa'(meaning 'poop'. Sorry all of you out there who don't have children, but this is a big moment!), and I asked if he'd like to sit on the potty? He said yes, so I took off his trousers and nappy and he sat down - and did a poo! Wicked! What a good boy! Afterwards, he stood up and pointed at the result and said 'Poo'!

So now we'll have to tell dagis to listen out if he says it's time... Not that I think he'll be a regular potty visitor just yet, and we won't stress him, but nice to know he knows what it's for!

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