On Wednesday, our beloved Arnfinn would have turned 79 years old, an age he wouldn't have shown, he was such a handsome man and would probably still have passed for a 70-year old...
I was really low the whole morning, and couldn't keep the tears back on the bus to work, as I read mum's greeting to him. The thing is, thinking about him is still so difficult and painful, it's much easier not to, and carry on pretending he's just gone away for a while rather than forever.
Mum is so strong, but was obviously also extra fragile on Wednesday. Luckily, the boys don't take much notice and want to play and be silly as usual. Which makes things easier, and if not, distracts you...
I had to work late so mum was looking after them and when I got back, we li a chinese lantern to send up to Beste, George got really excited seeing it in the sky. It is a lovely little tradition we've created and one I'd like to continue with.
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