söndag 18 september 2011

Five months today!

It seems as though Billy Finn's just entered a new stage in his new life. He seems really chilled and happy overall! He's taken to food really well and gulps down everything he's offered! Best is of course porridge with fruit puré, that was George's favourite too. He tries to grab absolutely everything within reach and wants to stick it in his mouth! So now is the time to make sure coffee cups are well out of reach... Sleeping better too! He's been sleeping ok lately, but waking around two o'clock in the morning and sometimes only napping on and off until four when he has his food (which is very tiresome) and then continuing to sleep until 5.30 or 6 am, but the last two nights (fingers crossed me telling you won't jinx things) he's gone from 7pm 'til 4 am and then waking again at 5.30ish but i've given him a little more food and then he wakes us up chatting around 6.30. Very nice! He sits up on his own, but with support still of course, and he tends to fold over after a short while... Loves his baths, maybe this one will be the clean one ha ha... In general he makes a lot of cute little noises and is very inquisitive. His eyes are turning colour still, but are more towards hazel brown / green than blue at moment.

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