söndag 31 oktober 2010

George 3 years old!

Monday 25 October, George Melton Leach Squire. Age 3. Ohmigod... time flies...

Spoilt for presents by now, having had lots of nice pressies in England on Saturday, a pile more on Sunday, and an additional few on Monday morning since me and Matt wanted to celebrate him on his real birthday. Think this is asking for a spoilt kid...

He loved his doctor's kit, wanted to dress in his bathrobe straight away, and got a little upset when he understood he couldn't wear his new gorgeous shoes from daddy to dagis... No surprise he got the most excited over the radio controlled monster truck from farfar Andie, and played with that up until it was time to leave for dagis.

George was fairly tired in the evening, sleeping on the sofa before seven o'clock, but everything caught up with him further on Tuesday, when he fell asleep at a quarter past five (!!!) in the afternoon, and on Wednesday, at six o'clock! Little monkey!

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