Yesterday, I took George to see a performance at Kulturhuset. It was called Farfalle, which is Italian for butterfly. There were two dancers who performed on a seemingly interactive floor, with walls and ceiling covered in projections. The story was of the butterfly life cycle and children were invited to step onto the 'stage' and take part in the show. Unfortunately, George wasn't asked up, even though he was jumping in his seat haha...
It was such a lovely lovely experience, right from the start even, when they asked all the children to walk into the stage area on a long line, without the parents! I just watched George walking away, looking really excited, and then sit down along with the rest of the children on the front row. When the parents were allowed in, I sat down just behind him, and during the performance, he kept turning around, checking to make sure I saw all the brilliant things happening too!
All the children, and the adults, were mesmerised by the dancers and the projections. A shame it was only on for one day, I wish more people would have been able to see it!
Afterwards, we met up with Jelena, Bojan and Adrian and Matei, and went to Rum för Barn (Room for children) at the top of Kulturhuset! George and Adrian went nuts and ran around like maniacs which was very funny but also a little scary, cause there were lots of people about, and escalators... Inside Rum för Barn, they were playing with the pillows in different shapes, making boats and logs and all sorts to slide down a little slope on...
Walked back to Söder in the sunny afternoon, the colours are amazing this time of year! George was really tired when we got back in time for dinner, so just a quick bite for him and then it was time for bed!
I struggled to sort out the underfloor heating whilst Matt went and picked up farmor Christine!