Me and chimp took off on our own, yesterday, to go and see farmor Christine and grandpa Chris in England. I'd mistaken our flight time, to both mine and Matt's disappointment. Thought we were flying at 11am, meaning George would sleep on the plane... and also meaning that Matt would get a whole day to himself and mates... But the flight was at 3pm... It all worked out well, George slept in the car to the airport instead, and even though I left my wallet at home and thereby me and chimp had to get by on biscuits and apples, thanks to a few songs, a lot of patience and the film Cars on dvd - we landed safe and sound at Stansted. George was a bit cranky in the car since he was quite fed up with sitting still (and probably mega hungry), but as soon as he entered farmors house and spotted the fire truck, all troubles went out the window!
Tired little chappy went to bed one hour after normal bedtime, but still woke up this morning on Swedish time - 5.30 English time...yawn... Spent the day playing, playing, playing. Little cousin Toby came by for a while, and then aunties Laura and Jo and uncle Tim came, and also great grandma Doris and we had a great bbq.
Think G's got another tooth coming, he's been biting his fingers and dribbling waterfalls. Gave him some pain killers early evening and it seemed to work. Fell asleep exhausted from a day of fun!

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