- Climbing up on every single chair in sight and reaching for everything nearby!
- Put on his shoe the other day! Placed in on his little pram, stepped up and held onto the handle and put his foot in! He was very pleased afterwards!
- Shouts 'Boo' every time he sees Frank or Liam! And us too by the way.
- Favourite game 1 is running round the flat, round round through the kitchen and bedroom, shouting and laughing at the same time! We keep running after, shouting and laughing, running past, stopping behind the door... you know... It's hilarious!
- Favourite game 2 is playing on the bed, throwing himself down onto the cushions whilst "oooohing". Then he stands up, laughs at himself and throws himself down again! Theatrical skills I tell you!
- Eating Mariekex (biscuits). He runs out into the kitchen and points at the kitchen counter until one of us goes out to see what he's doing...
- Says "Mamma, Pappa, Tick (should be Tack, means thank you), Bokka (Book), Bo (Ball), Titta (Look), Där (there), and kix (should be kex, means biscuit)! On top of that he talks a lot! Nothing we can understand, but he gives us the look as if we have a complete understanding haha!
- Is very good in helping dressing! Puts his arms out for jumpers, lifts feet for socks, trousers and nappies (and his favourite shoes of course!)
- Eats from his own spoon (can't say he's brilliant at getting anything stuck at the spoon or fork, but sometimes...)
- Drinks from a little glass if he can choose (have to stop him sometimes since he tends to try to down the content every time and if the glass is full...)
- Giving out kisses to every one in the way! The doll in the park house, the random kid in the park house, Frank, Liam, Maja, mormor, morfar, mum, dad... great, when they're not the slobbery ones! And once he's done the first round of kisses, he quickly starts on the second, and the third...
There's more, but need to watch some crap tv now! Below is the triumphant shoe moment, wearing my furr hat (he came into the room wearing it), and kissing Maja goodbye this afternoon (notice that she's up for it too)! Have a nice evening!

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