Dad is by the way gone for a week or so (not that I know what a week is, but mum said so). He's taken a trip to a place called Dubai where they have buildings that look like palm trees. It is very hot there and lots of sand. I look at dad's picture several times a day and call out 'pappa', but he doesn't reply. I miss him, he's been very good to me lately and really likes when I call him pappa, so I do that quite a lot to please him!
Yesterday me and mum went to play in the park and we found Nellie! Nellie's been lost for a couple of days, I threw him out when he was being a little annoying and dad didn't see it. Luckily, some nice person found him and gave him to the park people so I could have him back! Oh, how lovely it was to see him! I hugged him really hard and gave him a good squeeze!
And then we went to play with Nils and Maja for a few hours! It was great to see them, we're such grown ups now! Nils has got lots of hair and Maja has big teeth (mum says I've got big teeth too, but mum's are even bigger, but I never tell her that!)!
Then mormor came to see us in the evening. She will take care of me now when daddy's away and mummy's started working. It will be fun, I will play with her, hide under the table and run away! Then I might hand her all my toys and my food and give her a drink of my water cause I'm a nice guy.
Oh, almost forgot. Me and mum had a lie-in yesterday (I do that quite a lot nowadays), didn't wake up until a quarter to nine (with a short shout at six to get my bottle of course), and this morning I slept until quarter past seven, thought that was pretty good going. Then I stood up with Nellie under my arm and made some huffing and puffing noises to make sure mum heard me being up. She did, and she brought me to mormor who'd been sleeping on the sofa. I got to cuddle up next to her with my välling and we watched the morning news. Great stuff! Then mum went to work and me and mormor will start to play!

Ha ha ha! Underbart. G glömde sin vattenflaska hos mig igår. Ni får komma och leka snart igen så att han får tillbaka den.