Little man is much better today! Woke up around four in the morning and I gave him some water and a little bit of majsvälling (thanks for the tip Lena!). He gulped it down in minutes. obviously really hungry! Slept til seven, a little more välling, fell asleep again in our bed. Eight o'clock I thought we'd better get up, and he was the usual Mr Sunshine. And now he's had some porridge too, and nothing's come back up, so fingers crossed it was a 24-hour thing!
Skönt att höra att han är bättre. Satt precis och tänkte på er.
SvaraRaderaJa, tack, men fick precis ett sms från Frida och nu är hon magsjuk... hoppas inte jag eller Matt får det bara... Jobbigt på flyget haha