tisdag 29 maj 2012

Lovely luncheon

On Sunday, it was warm and toasty, so the boys had lunch outside.

Scarlett goes BLKDNM

Last Thursday, The Scarlett Gallery had a little gathering at the uber cool BLKDNM store by Stureplan. Interesting with a bit of a different crowd too. A good night overall.

söndag 20 maj 2012

I väntan på...

Att pappa ska komma hem med soffan, kan man ha så här roligt!

Another lovely weekend

With buckets of sunshine. Lovely! On Friday (bank holiday), me and the boys met up with Petra in Rosenlundsparken and spent a very chilled day. Saturday was spent around the house with James, Andie and Olivia. Yummy burgers and a spot of football and frisbee down the green.

Now it's Sunday and whilst Matt is on his way back from Örebro, having picked up a Chesterfield sofa, me and the boys are down the beach. Such a busy life...

Sometimes mummy gets to have a bit of fun on her own

Like last Thursday, when all the 'mums' gathered at Sofia's for some bubbly, wine and snacks. And lots of laughter and fun conversations.

torsdag 17 maj 2012

Monkey boy

Right, so must remember to tell George not to leave chairs in strategic positions...

måndag 14 maj 2012

First day at dagis

The little champ was brilliant and had a great time. Sound asleep at the moment, lots of new impressions of course.

lördag 12 maj 2012

Yo yo yo

Kitted out this little dude with some summer accessories, all chosen by the master himself. MC George in da hoouuse!

måndag 7 maj 2012

Flying to England

Was a little worried about the flight, Billy no able to sit still, but unable to walk around... It went perfectly smooth! Both boys were brilliant! Matt sat in a seat behind so I put Billy Finn inbetween myself and Gman and he was happy just sitting fiddling with stuff, and then I put him in the babybjörn for a little while, he fell asleep for five mins but got woken yp by George game. Amazingly enough those five minutes perked him right up so he spent the last 45 mins chatting to daddy Matt!

George sneeked a few piccies on my camera, as per usual.


Your first child isn't allowed anything sugary until the age of ten, but the second one has chocolate icecream the minute after it pops out. Lucky him.

torsdag 3 maj 2012