The other day, after the first proper snow had fallen, me and Matt, surprise surprise, found a christmas gift that Santa had left behind for George. A snowracer! Yay! We made our way to Fregattbacken with hot chocolate in tow, and had a lovely time.
Matt went with George three times. He fell of twice. Not when I was filming luckily!
The everyday life of the Leach Squire household, happiness and mayhem combined.
söndag 29 januari 2012
Sunday roasts
Natural History Museum
A couple of weekends ago, Petra, myself and the small boys, went to Naturhistoriska muséet. It was great! Dino sceletons, the humann evolution, birds in the most amazing colours, a two-headed calf! And, George's favourite part was the robot animals exhibition, where one could control parts of the robot's bodies, or 'shoot' little bugs, or measure your strength. A super day!

torsdag 19 januari 2012
New year, new tricks!
He's got four teeth, he crawls properly and likes to pull himself up into standing position. He also makes it up at least three (that's where we stop him) steps on the stairs and can sit up from crawling/belly position.
This morning I found him, somewhat surprised, on his back in the cot. He's getting more and more daring now, venturing away from my legs on little excursions. Very nice.
This morning I found him, somewhat surprised, on his back in the cot. He's getting more and more daring now, venturing away from my legs on little excursions. Very nice.

lördag 14 januari 2012
James Bomb
George had his friend James around to play the other day. James Bomb, as George calls him...
söndag 8 januari 2012
Poo update
Today we had a bit of a sticky situation... Billy Finn had a very gassy little tummy... He was on George's lap... I asked G to let him go, and spot poo all up Billy's back as he crawls away... All up his back, and all at the front of G's jeans... Uäääh! It was a very headless-chicken-moment I must admit. Me and Matt running around frantically with a child each at arm's length. All good after a quick wash down. Oh, and then George steps in poo downstairs... Apparently we'd missed a spot. Aaah, parenthood, how lovely it is!
måndag 2 januari 2012
December update
Right, December was a busy month. A very busy month. Won't bore you with the details, but here's some snaps to see what we've been up to. Starting with Matt taking George to London Town for the weekend. They had a great time, G had his hair cut, and got not one but two (!) Pure Evil prints from the man himself, in exchange for a super cool toilet roll santa... Not bad trade that!

The day after the return from London, it was time for Lucia celebrations at dagis. George was geared up in a Santa costume, matey James as a gingerbread man.

The day after the return from London, it was time for Lucia celebrations at dagis. George was geared up in a Santa costume, matey James as a gingerbread man.

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