The everyday life of the Leach Squire household, happiness and mayhem combined.
tisdag 31 maj 2011
Head size
Friday at ours
So, me and Josefin thought we'd get together with the boys again last Friday, since the previous Friday went so smoothly... But no... Or, it was ok, but there was A LOT of meddling going on! They were both cheeky monkeys and it left us two poor mothers exhausted! Certain things were fun though - like the tractor shaped sponge cake (made by the Carnes) and eating lunch outside in the cold...
Next time we'll be on neutral turf I think, the two of them are like an old married couple haha!
George snapped loads of photos, posting the one of our nice Fucshia plant!

Next time we'll be on neutral turf I think, the two of them are like an old married couple haha!
George snapped loads of photos, posting the one of our nice Fucshia plant!

Preparing the sleepers wall
söndag 29 maj 2011
George: "Mamma, det sköregnar"
Jag: "Det heter inte sköregnar, det heter spöregnar. Spö, inte skö"
George: Spö? Som spöke?
Jag: "Ja, precis!"
George: "Mamma, det regnar spöken!"
Jag: "Det heter inte sköregnar, det heter spöregnar. Spö, inte skö"
George: Spö? Som spöke?
Jag: "Ja, precis!"
George: "Mamma, det regnar spöken!"
fredag 27 maj 2011
Garden seat!
måndag 23 maj 2011
Billy Finn is unfolding!
Just over one month old, and our little Billy Finn is starting to 'unfold'. It's lovely to see how alert and aware he is now. Still a lot of very wierd and funny facial expressions, but the first crumpled up baby look is disappearing fast. A little cutie, just like his brother!
Pictures overload, but couldn't stop myself...

Pictures overload, but couldn't stop myself...

Cousin Charlie's 1st birthday party!
On Saturday, we went over to Peter and Annica to celebrate little Charlie's 1st Birthday. It was lovely and sunny and Jossan and Maja actually went into the pool! George was hanging over the fence like some stalker haha, but eventually went inside and stuck his feet in, making Jossan chase the ball he insisted on throwing in one time after the other...
Yummy food and deliscious cakes! We were very full up and satisfied on our way home. No need for dinner that night!

Yummy food and deliscious cakes! We were very full up and satisfied on our way home. No need for dinner that night!

Fun Friday!
Last Friday was the first of many to come, when George has a day off dagis. His new dagis hours are 8.45 - 15.00, Monday til Thursday, and Fridays off. Which is great, but activities are a must - a busy George means a happy mummy...
We went and spent the day at Alfred's and had a lovely time in the sun! Amazingly enough, the boys actually played together, rather than fight, which sadly has been the norm for a while. We only had a couple of mishaps, unfortunately out of sight which meant we couldn't determine exactly who was at fault, but G hit Alfred twice, and even though not unprovoked, I'm not happy with him doing it. Not sure if he feels insecure or what it is, but we'll be taking extra care for a while now to see if it's something he resorts to if he feels threatened or if he's doing it deliberately.
Josefin had made a delish rubarb crumble and Billy had his first go in a babysitter. A very good day indeed!

We went and spent the day at Alfred's and had a lovely time in the sun! Amazingly enough, the boys actually played together, rather than fight, which sadly has been the norm for a while. We only had a couple of mishaps, unfortunately out of sight which meant we couldn't determine exactly who was at fault, but G hit Alfred twice, and even though not unprovoked, I'm not happy with him doing it. Not sure if he feels insecure or what it is, but we'll be taking extra care for a while now to see if it's something he resorts to if he feels threatened or if he's doing it deliberately.
Josefin had made a delish rubarb crumble and Billy had his first go in a babysitter. A very good day indeed!

måndag 16 maj 2011
First bath!
We decided to give Billy his first proper bath yesterday. At first, George was going to wait for his bath so that Billy could use his little tub, but then he wanted a bath at the same time, so Billy had to use a bucket! He didn't like it very much, but he was lovely and smooth afterwards anyway. Next time he'll be using G's tub, and we'll see if that works better.

Sean's 3rd Birthday!
On Saturday, we went to celebrate Sean's 3rd birthday. The sun was out and even though the wind was a little chilly, we managed to be outside for most of the time. Lovely for both adults and kids!
George occupied Sean's motorbike whenever possible, as always, and whizzed down the little slope. Brothers Sean and Leon, cute as ever!
Oh, almost forgot. On the way there, as we were to pick up a present for Sean, George decided he thought Sean should have a cardigan, just like his own - 'cause it's so nice'. I think that might be a little difficult, I said, since your farmor bought it for you in England... Hardly believed my eyes as Sean was sporting the exact same cardigan as we arrived!! A present from England apparently...

George occupied Sean's motorbike whenever possible, as always, and whizzed down the little slope. Brothers Sean and Leon, cute as ever!
Oh, almost forgot. On the way there, as we were to pick up a present for Sean, George decided he thought Sean should have a cardigan, just like his own - 'cause it's so nice'. I think that might be a little difficult, I said, since your farmor bought it for you in England... Hardly believed my eyes as Sean was sporting the exact same cardigan as we arrived!! A present from England apparently...

Sunny Boo Trädgård
The sun continued to shine for most of last week. Me and Josefin took the mini boys to Boo Trädgård for some coffee and cake! Herman is fast turning into a big charmer, so cute!
The afternoon meant cleaning day at dagis, which was followed by hot dogs and (dry) burgers... Mates George and Alfred munching away - only hours after Alfred pushed G off the play boat. Perhaps revenge since George did the same to him about a year ago?

The afternoon meant cleaning day at dagis, which was followed by hot dogs and (dry) burgers... Mates George and Alfred munching away - only hours after Alfred pushed G off the play boat. Perhaps revenge since George did the same to him about a year ago?

First smiles!
Billy's started smiling! Think the first proper smile came last Sunday, the 8th of May, but they are coming a lot more frequent now, a few a day! Can't wait until we can communicate even more, and think George will love it! He's in Billy's face most of the time, pulling funny faces and caressing him and cuddling him. Will be great to see when Billy responds to that!

Farmor and Grandpa Chris visiting
Last weekend, Farmor and grandpa Chris came to visit. George was over the moon of course, and we had a lovely time in the wonderful summer weather! Mostly stayed around the house, pottering about in the garden and going for walks, but we also went in to town to show the gallery, and everyone apart from little Billy Finn and myself went in town for a walk around on Sunday too.
Also, showing off Matt's tomato plants (these are only a fraction of the total amount...) which are growing by the minute! And our neglected gooseberry (krusbär) bush, which Matt and Chris finally rescued from behind the house, split into four new bushes, and planted at the end of the garden. Picture shows how we gave it a much needed bath in George's paddling pool!

Also, showing off Matt's tomato plants (these are only a fraction of the total amount...) which are growing by the minute! And our neglected gooseberry (krusbär) bush, which Matt and Chris finally rescued from behind the house, split into four new bushes, and planted at the end of the garden. Picture shows how we gave it a much needed bath in George's paddling pool!

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