Sunday the 23 October, it was time for G's 4 year birthday party! He was sooo excited! I'd made him a SuperGeorge outfit which he wore from 10 in the morning until the party started at 12, and then the whole day and evening (and day after, on the bus and in town...). Let me just say it kind of made me feel like a very good mum, having managed to get it so right for once!
There were, in total, six kids who couldn't make George's party, so instead of 13 crazy kids, there were only 7. Which was more than enough... One could say, the puke flu saved the day...
Everyone got a face mask as they arrived (pics in the next post), and shortly after 12, they all sat down for mini pizzas and some balloon sticker fun. After that, they played (or, should I say, went berserk) upstairs, finding good use of George's dressing up box (my best 100 kr spent, ever, remember!). Then it was time for cupcakes and cookies and 'Dance stop' game! George started to cry when he was out, bless the birthday boy! Oh, and somewhere in the madness, little Olivia arrived. Shy at first, but seated next to G at the table, she soon ate as much as the boys and made use of the more girly outfits in the dressing up box...
We ended the party with a treasure hunt (must add a note about Matt and Andie laying out the course - hiding the sweetie bags next to a pile of spiky planks! Very child friendly don't you think...), following lost items and gold coins to the sweet treasure!
And not a minute too late, it was time for the parents to come and pick the kids up! Everyone happy and perfectly sugar high!
Two hours later, it was back in the saddle for the family party! Best present must have been from morfar Ralph who bought George a remote controlled helicopter, suitable for ages 14+... Needless to say George LOVED it, so did his dad... Wine, chilli, coffee and a cake larger than life... A VERY nice birthday party day indeed!
Thank you to everyone for coming, and all the great presents, George was so excited!
Oh, and loads of pics... my new styley with larger images only works if I upload very few images per post... annoying, but some will have to be larger, some smaller and when I have time, I'll make some collages!