Or, more simply put, a blood clot in the lung. In my case, several small blood clots. Most likely completely related to the pregnancy, and will hopefully be a sore memory as soon as the baby arrives, but here's the whole story:
I'd experienced a stabbing pain in my chest when inhaling for several days, but thought I was just being a little sensitive or it had something to do with the baby trying to make a lot of room for itself in the belly... On Monday the 6th I couldn't ignore it any longer and made a phone call to the brilliant sjukvårdsupplysningen, who told me to go straight into the hospital to have it checked out. This was at ten o'clock at night.
I had to spend the first couple of hours on a hard bench next to a young, drunk, Finnish troublemaker who's hands were cut to shreds from a fight... Nice. After I got to see a couple of nurses, I met with a doctor who took some blood tests and decided I should have a lung x-ray the following day (or, the same day actually, by now it was half past three in the morning and i'd been in the hospital for 5 hours), so they gave me a room at the maternity ward (förlossningen) and I managed to get a couple of hours sleep, after letting Matt know, who was at home with George.
I then had two x-rays, one where they injected some sort of radioactive (!!) fluid into my system, and one 'normal' lung x-ray. The doctor's couldn't see anything for sure but said they wanted a second opinion and that they would possibly call me back the next day for an additional x-ray. During all this time, I was given blood-thinning medication, and I did feel a change in my chest pains, they seemed to be less aggressive.
So on the Wednesday I was in quite high hopes for it all just being a trifle, but after three long hours waiting for the results of the third x-ray I'd been called back for, I was told I had several small blood clots in the lung. Merry christmas on that one!
I had to ring Matt and tell him I wouldn't be home for a few days, and then let everyone know the situation. After the initial shock I was in quite a good mood, Matt came by with a change of clothes and my computer, so I felt a little more civilised. I was put on a blood thinning drip and they told me that I would have to stay in the hospital for at least 48 hours.
On the Thursday I was moved to a different ward, the anti natal ward, with both brand new parents, and women like myself, that need some sort of treatment before the baby arrives. I ordered a 'hospital TV', to keep me company ; )) and Matt, mum and George came to see me. George was a little weary at first, wondering why I was dressed in that (horrible, but oh how comfortable) white robe, and why I had tubes coming out of my arms. He asked if I was the doctor, bless! I told him I had my own personal robot which followed me around (the drip stand) and as soon as daddy brought out some chocolates, everything else was forgotten!
By now, the chest pains were less evident, I only felt pain a couple of times a day, rather than the constant pain I'd been experiencing earlier. On Friday morning I met with a very honest doctor who told me I would have to take two Fragmin (blood thinning stuff) shots per day (I'd been told one a day previously), be on sick leave from work for at least a month, and that my condition was 'very serious'. I'd foolishly been thinking that the treatment was going really well and I would be back to normal by the following Monday, so her little speech came as a shock. I asked again if I would be able to go to England for Christmas. She said as long as I will show up for my tests every Tuesday, this wouldn't be a problem. Ok, at least some good news.
Dad came by for a coffee and Matt came to have dinner with me. He brought nice sushi rather than the horrible hospital food, and stayed for a couple of hours. George was at mormor's, we thought one visit to see mummy looking poorly was enough.
On the Saturday I was allowed to go home. Lovely feeling! Taking the Fragmin shots isn't such a big deal. It stings a little, or a lot, if I'm not doing it slow enough, and the bruises are forming a line of blue pearl marks along the side of my belly, but if it helps...
I went back on Tuesday for my weekly blood tests, and on my way home they phoned from dagis to say that George was ill. He'd caught an eye infection. Great! No rest for the wicked...
On Thursday evening, on my way to the supermarket, the doctor phoned me with the results from my blood tests. It's going in the right direction, but I will have to up the evening dose slightly. Just by chance, I mentioned my England trip, and the doctor firmly established that flying in the middle of an active treatment would not be something she would recommend! Does this mean I have to cancel my flight, I asked? Yes, I would, she said. So, another shock and another merry fxxxin christmas!
I drove back in tears, no shopping done of course, and told Matt that I wouldn't be allowed to fly to England for Christmas. He got really upset too but told me that my wellbeing is the most important. The rest of the evening was spent in silence. We were both too wrapped up in thoughts I think.
On Friday, yesterday, myself and George went to see mormor at a new shopping center close to where she lives. They had a brilliant play area for kids, where G spent almost two hours, whilst we chatted over coffee. Nice. The outlook of spending Christmas here in Sweden was a little brighter after a good night's sleep. Matt started a Christmas food list, and that's a very good sign of him being in a good mood! He also went out to get a Christmas tree he dressed with George whilst farmor Christine and auntie Jo-jo watched on the computer! I'd bought some Ilex (järnek) and some hyacinths (for some prope Christmas smell!) and we decorated the house whilst listening to Christmas songs by Dean Martin.
We'll be spending Christmas eve with my mum, and on Christmas day, friends Anthony and Lena and their two boys will join us for an English Christmas dinner. We'll be going to Trosa to see morfar and Eva on boxing day. And we'll book new flights to go to England in January. If I'm still not allowed to fly, George and Matt will go on their own.
So, with hopes that this horrible year will at least end in a good way, and that 2011 will be a bright and prosperous year for us and family and friends, you now know why I haven't blogged for a while...
And with that off my chest (literally...), I will soon post some nice pics of what other things we've been up to lately.