lördag 26 december 2009

Christmas Day!

Presents two days in a row! George was in heaven! Matt & Co cooked most of the day, we went for a short walk, trying to push Georges pushchair (vagn) in the snow... Very hard work.. Yummy leftovers for lunch and some nice chillout time in the lounge.

Turkey and christmas food galore was served at four. Well done Mr Matto, your first turkey! Moist and deliscious! A nice and calm christmas dinner for a change ha ha! So calm that Matt and Chris had a snooze after dinner and Mum and Arnfinn was wondering what was going on ha ha!

A manic Skype Christmas quiz, with uncle John in the lead, not waiting for us Swedes when their skype crashed... Ah well, not to worry. Watched Dr Who through the computer (still no tv, thank you Mr Electrician... Not!) and went to bed, happy and full up...

Christmas eve Dinner!

Mormor Eva had been busy at home preparing, and myself quite busy around ours (well, extremely busy really, but not with cooking, only with trying to get the house into a decent state and not panicking due to us not having any hot water half of the Monday, no electricity in places we were promised to have it... etc. etc... the list is loooooong). Anyway, enough self pity, christmas eve dinner was very tasty! And afterwards, we all enjoyed the mezzanine entertainment by Matt & George! Hilarious!

Christmas Eve!

Christmas eve morning was started with a yummy breakfast, followed by the making of the sausage rolls by Chris and George.

After some more preparations, Chris and Farmor Christine took G'man out for a sledge ride (pulka), and after laughing down the hill he fell asleep... Looking like Moses in his basket haha! Chris and Christine built a very bottom heavy but proud snowman and Matt came out and offered us all hot chocolate and mince pies (English Xmas pastry). Bliss!

fredag 18 december 2009

Doodle in the potty part II

Can't remember when I last boosted about the fact that George had doodled on the potty, but it was ages ago. Tonight he asked me if he could go upstairs and wee on the potty. 'Djode gå upp kissa pottan'. Up we went, down he sat, and then he started farting , laughing like mad inbetween haha. And there was a result in the potty! A fairly big result. What a good boy! Wondering if this will be repeated shortly or if we have to wait until the summer for the next delivery...

"George älskar mamma"

"Djoode äkar mamma" is more what it sounded like actually. It means George loves mummy. And he told me today.

tisdag 15 december 2009

White Christmas?

This is what my way to the bus this morning, looked like... Lovely isn't it.

söndag 13 december 2009


We've got auntie Laura and uncle Tim visiting at the moment, much to George's joy! Fun and games all the time! Pasta wheels and falukorv is nice too!

Today we went to Skansen to watch the Lucia celebrations, but George got a little stressed by the big crowds and wasn't quite himself until we found a little hideaway in the shape of a round, lit up greenhouse. Very pretty. Uncle Tim took lots of nice pictures which will come shortly (our battery charger is still missing..)

onsdag 9 december 2009

Jättecool bil!

This morning George blew me away again with his talking. He showed me one of his little cars and said: Titta mamma, jättecool bil (look mummy, really cool car!). Don't know who's taught him to say cool but it just sounded so funny!

We've had farfar Andie visiting for almost a week and George has been switching from Swedish to English without blinking! Such a good little boy!

Our favourite is still: Vad gör du mamma/daddy? (What u doin mummy/daddy?), he says it all the time and with the funniest tone of voice.

Oh, and the other day he sung the Pippi Långstrump (Longstocking) song!!! Well, more or less haha, but even the words 'varenda kotte som jag känner...' hahaha!

I will try to record his speaking (or singing)soon, whenever I can find the charger for the camera...