måndag 29 september 2008

Day in the suburbs

Spent the day at Hanna's (old mate) and her munchkin Frank and cute sister Nora! George fell in love with Nora's cuddly toys and Nora drew a self portrait of what she looks like when she's just had her hair cut!

fredag 26 september 2008

New Park!

Lena and Maja (camera shy today, looked away the whole time!) introduced us to a new park today. We had a brilliant time, George wasn't still for one minute, eating sand, shuffling sand, throwing sand...

We've also been to the doctor's again today regarding his rash, which isn't getting any better. Finally they're sending us to a specialist, so hopefully we'll know what it is shortly. Oh, and he took another few steps at the doctor's today, and at home with Matt!

onsdag 24 september 2008

Chasing George

Right, so I just told you that George has taken his first steps.... And here's a film from last week of him crawling like a mad man, whilst being chased by daddy! Note his attempt to back his way over the tiny step between the hallway and bedroom, since he's learnt to do that now when entering the living room. Bless!

First steps!

Right, both me and Matt saw it, George has just walked his first two steps!! Yes indeed!! This afternoon he was stood swaying for about ten seconds whilst holding on to a plastic thingy. When he realised he wasn't holding on he sat down... And now, just minutes ago, he let go of the sofa, carrying a biscuit, stood still for a couple of seconds, then took two steps, stopped still, and then sat down! What a little star! He keeps trying to do it again now, will try to film him if he does it again! Probably tomorrow, 'cause now it is time for bed!

tisdag 23 september 2008

Whilst mum was away part I

"Daddy forgot to take the porridge powder out of the cupboard so I pulled it out and had a ball!"

måndag 15 september 2008

Day at the Zoo!

Together with most of Matt's English mates, 12 adults and an equal amount of kids, we spent a brilliant day at the Kolmården Zoo. The sun was finally shining after being absent for the last month or so! We saw elephants, tigers, lions, wolves, lots of African deers (whose names I don't know), farm animals, dolphins! And mosquitos! All in all a very pleasant outing!

Little Liam ans sister Jessica with princess locks!

Beautiful Sara and cutie Sean who is now four months old and quite a sturdy little fella!

George was very impressed with the Dolphin show. Blinking lights and dolphins jumping and performing. Actually, us adults really enjoyed it too, it was brilliant!

Lovely little Stella was very awake and happy for most of the day, but in the end it all became too much... aah...

Proud daddy Rory with little Sean.

The day ended with us driving through the safari park with lions, giraffes, bisons, wolves, zebras and more... And then little G man was good all the way home!

fredag 12 september 2008

Film time!

Spending the day in Matt's office and updating the blog from here. He must have a newer version of the web browser because all of a sudden there is an 'add film clip' button here! So, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Welcome tooth No. 2

Finally it has arrived! After quite a few days of interrupted sleep, little mister tooth number 2 has arrived! Let's hope we get a good night's sleep tonight!

torsdag 11 september 2008

Little G's got a new parka!

Music mates

Frank and George on the synthesizer. Starting of calmly, ending up sitting on it...

fredag 5 september 2008

"Here I come!"

Fast and furious, with his new walkie (gåvagn in Swedish, Toddler Wobbler in English...)!

tisdag 2 september 2008

Fridge raid!

Spent the afternoon at Maja's and you wouldn't believe how busy they became when the fridge door sprung open!

måndag 1 september 2008

A tooth troll!

We have a tooth!!!! Finally!!! Has been on the go for a while now I think, but now it's here! Welcome welcome!

Driver George

Went to the park yesterday afternoon, quite chilly actually (check out redness on G's nose!). Spent some time on the swings which he found extremely funny and then went for a drive in a log car! Brilliant! Also, a short ride with mummy on the 'merry-go-round-thing...

Bottle behaviour

Very rarely now, does George lie down nice and quiet for his evening drink. He prefers to start off lying down, then pausing for a bit, making his way back and forth on the sofa a few times, stop for a quick top up and off we go again! He's particularly fond of the spot where the two sofas meet where he likes to get his foot (or his whole leg rather) stuck...